Contact Your Dentists Serving Montgomery, New York
Thank you for visiting K.I.S.S. Dental Care online! Our dentists and team are proud to offer comprehensive dental and orthodontic services in Balmville, New York, and we are pleased to welcome our neighbors from Middletown, Montgomery, Newburgh, Gardnertown, Orangelake, Washington Heights and New Windsor to our office. Your health, smile and comfort are our highest priorities, and when you visit us, you can expect to receive our full attention as our dentists and specialists work closely with you to design your treatment plans and provide you with the care you need. Give us a call today to schedule your appointment with Dr. U.G. Yoon and our associates and find out how we can improve your smile!
K.I.S.S. stands for “Keep It Simple and Superb.” Our dentists, specialists and team are dedicated to providing you with individualized care that will give you exceptional results for your smile and oral health. Each treatment you receive, whether it be a routine cleaning and exam or a more complex cosmetic or restorative treatment, is designed specifically to give you the beautiful, healthy smile you have always wanted. We are proud to provide a full range of dental services in a single location, making your care as convenient as possible for you, and maintain the highest standards of excellence to ensure that your needs are met. We also believe in giving you the most comfortable experience possible, and going above and beyond to create and maintain an environment that is comfortable and where you can feel completely at home. Contact us today to schedule your personal consultation!